Next Steps

Programme Summary

We know that when your Venture Scotland programmes come to an end it can be difficult to know how to fill your time, what will come next on your journey, and how to get there. To support you during this transition, once your group stages end you will have the option to meet with your Outreach and Support Worker for a series of one-to-one ‘Next Steps’ meetings to help with those thoughts and decisions.

Next Steps meetings can help you to explore options like finding a job, continuing education, or volunteering. This might involve help putting together a CV or applications, or it might simply be a trusted and familiar setting to explore and talk through ideas. Next Steps can also help you to identify groups and other local opportunities so you can explore a hobby, find other groups to be a part of, and maintain your mental health.

Like all stages of your Venture Scotland programme, Next Steps will look different for every person – your meetings can be used however you feel will support you and your personal development journey.

Next Steps Structure

Next Steps is made up of one-to-one meetings between you and your Outreach and Support Worker.

You can meet up to six times over the two months after your programme ends – but you can decide exactly how many times and how often you meet that feels right for you at the time.

The meetings will last about an hour, and can be arranged to fit around anything else you have on in your week.