“Being a Venture Scotland Ambassador is a very rewarding program to be enrolled in. The Ambassador programme was set up in July 2020 for ex-participants who have completed the course so that they can help give back to the charity that helped them. As with all things at Venture Scotland, the ambassador programme is a two-way street – we help support the charity and they help us.
“Let’s start with what we have done since enrolling… we are a group of 5 ambassadors who have helped with a number of things within the charity. We first started with a weekly meeting discussing the outline of the ambassador programme.
“Then we were asked if would be up for helping in the interview process for the Outreach & Support Worker, the new Outdoor Programme Leader, and new trustees for the Board.”
“This was a very interesting experience for me because I was sat on the other side of the interview table, I learnt it can be anxious on both side of the table. The experience has helped me understand better how I can keep a straight head during an interview. We have also undertaken the volunteer training Venture Scotland offers, and it has given me a better understanding of what every volunteer goes through. We have also discussed helping with the programme and talking with new participants. As the running joke in our weekly meeting we will become “staff adjunct”.
“How does being an Ambassador make me feel? It does give me pride. I am also grateful – being entrusted as one of the first people enrolled in this program. I would like to end this short summary of the Ambassador programme by saying thank you to Venture Scotland for this opportunity.”
“It helps me realise how far
I have come in the last year and half.